Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We are live....

I just wanted to post a quick blog about our website, which is up and live on the web. Check it out by clicking right HERE! What we do is showcase an array of photos that we have taken for all to see. At times there are a lot to see. We will also be uploading Client photo sessions as well, along with passwords for those Clients families and friends to order prints and other memorable keepsakes from those special events and moments.

Keep an eye out for spring and summer specials coming soon. There's no better time to capture those special moments, family and child portraits and Senior photos then spring and summer. The weather is beautiful and the landscape is incredible. Become a follower of this blog, a fan on Facebook and bookmark the website so you will receive notice on any and all specials to come.

We appreciate all of the support and kind words we have received. Without you, this would not be possible. Thank you!