Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's GIVEAWAY time! FREE photo shoot!

Calling all couples, families, kids and high school seniors! We've decided to offer a FREE photo shoot! That's right. And all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me your ideal photo shoot location. The more creative, the better. And remember, this is a family friendly blog so don't get TOO crazy!

But think about it. I have a few ideas in my head. Spots I've been wanting to shoot but I want to hear what you think. And we will pick based on which one we like the absolute most. I'm looking for anyone and everyone who wants a FREE photo shoot in the Rhode Island area.

Why would a Photographer give away free business you ask? It has to do with giving back. Helping out. Making someone happy, and thriving off of their happiness.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

- Winston Churchill

That is one of my favorite quotes in life that always comes back around. At all levels of life, we can observe the process of giving and receiving. It’s a dynamic exchange that must exist in order for life to perpetuate itself. Everything at the most basic level is engaged in giving and receiving. Energy is given, energy is received. If giving and receiving is such a fundamental part of life itself, then the same law must also apply to our interpersonal interaction. If we wish to receive, we must first give to others. The more we give, the more we will receive.

We do not and will not run this business like the run-of-the-mill businesses. We are different, we are unique and we are better then the average business. We want to give our time to charities and causes. We want to use our skills and talents in ways other photographers wouldn't and can't.

So there it is. This is real, with no strings attached.

Here's what you do:

-- leave a comment before May 15th
-- tell us your ideal photo shoot location (make sure it fits your personality and style!)
-- check back here after the deadline and see if you are the lucky WINNER!